KFD B12 Forte vitamin (100 tbl)

SKU: 993
Brand: KFD Nutrition
Unit: tk
Sobib veganitele.
- aitab punaste vereliblede õiget tootmist,
- aitab säilitada õiget ainevahetust,
- aitab kaasa närvisüsteemi nõuetekohasele toimimisele,
- mängib rolli rakkude jagunemise protsessis,
- aitab säilitada homotsüsteiini õiget ainevahetust,
- aitab säilitada õigeid psühholoogilisi funktsioone,
- aitab kaasa väsimuse ja väsimuse vähendamisele,
- aitab kaasa immuunsüsteemi korrektsele toimimisele.

KFD Vitamin B12 Forte is a product that provides a methylated form of vitamin B12 - methylcobalamin. In each tablet you will find 4 daily doses of the supplement, which gives as much as 400 daily servings in the package!

Vitamin B12 is a valuable dietary component that is mainly contained in animal sources. Supplementation of this compound is recommended for vegans and people who limit the use of animal products in their diet. For this reason, we have used vegan tablets that will be suitable for people on a plant-based diet.


Vitamin B12 contained in the preparation KFD Vitamin B12 Forte is characterized by a wide spectrum of action, in particular:

- helps in the proper production of red blood cells, 

- contributes to maintaining proper energy metabolism, 

- helps in the proper functioning of the nervous system, 

- plays a role in the process of cell division, 

-helps to maintain the proper metabolism of homocysteine,

- helps to maintain proper psychological functions,

- contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue,

- helps in the proper functioning of the immune system.


Tablets amount: 100

Servings pre package: 400

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