KFD Pure Choline 200g

Артикул: 969
Бренд: KFD Nutrition
Единица: tk
14,90 €

59,60 €/Kg
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- aitab säilitada homotsüsteiini normaalset ainevahetust,
- aitab säilitada normaalset rasvade ainevahetust,
KFD Pure Choline is Choline in the form of bitartrate without unnecessary additives. This organic chemical is part of some phospholipids, especially Lecithin, and is also a precursor to Acetylcholine. Due to its functions in the body, Choline was once included in the B vitamins (vitamin B4), but the human body has a limited ability to synthesize small amounts of this substance, but it is worth providing it from the outside and in doses many times greater than vitamins from group B1 ..

Choline is widely used in products dedicated to people who care about supporting the nervous system and improving cognitive functions. In addition, this substance performs a number of important functions in the body2, for example: -

contributes to the maintenance of normal homocysteine ​​metabolism,
contributes to the maintenance of normal fat metabolism,
helps in the proper functioning of the liver.
1 - https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/efsajournal/pub/4484

2 - https://gis.gov.pl/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/za%c5%82%c4%85cznik-nr-1-wykaz-dopuszczonych-o%c5%9bwiadcze%c5%84- zdrowotnych-dotycz% c4% 85cych-% c5% bcywno% c5% 9bci-innych-ni% c5% bc-o% c5% 9bwiadczenia-odnosz% c4% 85ce-si% c4% 99-do-zmniejszenia-ryzyka-choroby -oraz-rozwoju-i-Zdrowia-dzieci.pdf

Note: Natural raw material flavor. KFD Pure Choline, like other Pure series products, does not contain any flavors or fillers. It only contains the necessary amount of silica to act as an anti-caking agent (only ~ 5 mg per serving). The product has a natural Choline Bitartrate flavor and this should be taken into account before making a purchase.

Net weight: 200 g

Servings amount: 400
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